Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Letter of Introduction

My name is Clarence E. Sanford, Jr. I prefer to go by Jr. I'm attended MWSU for a degree in Physical Education with a Health and Exercise Science background. After receiving my degree, I'm planning to become a registered Dietitian. Over the past 7 years, I've been working in the non-residential construction industry, as a Computer Aided Draftsman. After losing my job back in March, due to the economy. My wife and I decided it was best for us, if I returned to school and find a stable and rewarding career.

My family and I have lived in Liberty, MO since 1981, which is where I commute from every day. It’s about 15-20 minutes northeast of Kansas City, on I-35. Guess you could say I like the small town feel. It’s cool when you go to the store and you see 2 or 3 people you know. Being involved in Scouts, sports and the community there is always going to be someone you know, where ever you go.

A little bit about myself; I love sports, mainly football and bowling. 5 years ago, I weighed 451 pounds. With the help from a Personal Trainer and the support of my family, I’ve been able to lose and keep off over 160 pounds, no surgery needed. With the encouragement from another trainer, I became a Certified Personal Trainer myself. Over the past 3 ½ years, I’ve had the pleasure of working with people of all shapes, sizes and abilities, on a part-time basis. I think my story and success puts me into a unique position. I can relate to so many Americans that are dealing with being extremely overweight, not just 10-15 pounds. I’m talking 100-200 pounds overweight. This is my main purpose and passion for life now. I want those individuals that are extremely overweight to know there is someone out there that can relate and there is HOPE. There are more stories about people losing weight and gaining it back quicker than they lost, than those that have lost it and keep it off for good. It’s time to change that statistic.

My main objective for this class is to become a better reader and writer. I’ve never been really good at either. Over the past few years thou, I’ve developed somewhat of a passion for reading. I have read the Twilight series (all of it), Winning by Losing; by Jillian Michaels and several other self-improvement books. Being a CPT, I try to research the latest and greatest weight loss fads to discuss their pros and cons, with my clients. However, I did receive my Competent Communicator Award within the Toastmaster International organization, back in 2008. The work I had to do for that helped develop my listening, writing and presentation skills. I'm hoping those skills will be to my advantage in this class and other classes that I will be taking over the next 3-4 years.



  1. Hi Junior,

    Thank you for sharing. I applaud you on your rapid weight loss. You appear to be on the appropriate road in life.

    I'm sorry to hear that you lost your position. My father lost his job that he held for 20 years in 2008 because of the economy. It hasn't been easy.

    Are there any specific TV shows that you enjoy pertaining to rapid weight loss like "The Biggest Loser" or "Celebrity Fit Club"?

    Ms. Chastain

  2. Ms. Chastain,

    You're welcome. It's my pleasure to share my story with you and anyone else that wants to listen to it. I hope to be on the right path for my life. You and I both know, it can change at any moment thou.

    That sucks about your dad, I'm sorry. The company I worked for let people go that had 30 plus years of service. This recession is going to be a tough one for America to come out of. Will we thou. Thinks happen for a reason, they may suck at the time but there is always a reason.

    If it wasn't for "The Biggest Loser" I wouldn't be where I am today. That show has and continues to inspire me, season after season. I'm glad it's going to be coming back on this fall, I've missed it. I'm interested in starting a MWSU Biggest Loser club by the time I graduate.

  3. Hi Junior,

    I think that starting a club is a great idea! There is even a way that you can create your own club! If you find more interested club members, let me know! I will see if I cannot find out a way in order to create a club :)

    I do hope that we will come out of this recession. Before, Americans were encouraged to spend, spend, spend! (Personally, I think this contributed to the recession in some way. I am however no economist!) Honestly, it will be a few more years before we see the end of this recession. I only hope that I am able to find a job!

    Ms. Chastain

  4. Ms. Chastain,

    I'm planning to talk to some of the PED professors about starting the club. Since they are my advisors and this is going to be my profession, they may be able to point me in the right direction. I want the PED department to support the club and provide help for the members, if they can.

    As far as the recession, you are correct. It was during the Clinton Administration that America began to spend well beyond their means. Banks were lending money for homes and other things for 110% to 120% of their values.

    I don't think you'll have a problem finding a job. You seem to have a very good attitude toward being a teacher and working with others.

  5. Hi Junior,

    Good for you. You will have to let me know how the process goes. This will also look great from a resume builder standpoint. You can help others at the same time. It certainly takes drive and ambition.

    Thank you for you compliments. I hope too; unfortunately, one can never tell the fate of the economy or our own lives. Fingers crossed :)
