Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Response to Rodriguez

My relationship with books has changed as I’ve gotten older. As a kid, I didn’t enjoy reading at all. Similar to Rodriguez, my parents never read books for pleasure. They read strictly for informative reasons. Therefore, reading was never really pushed upon me as a kid. It wasn’t until about 5 years ago, I started developing an interest for books and taking the time to read them. Most of the books I read at that time were motivational books about losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here recently, I’m finding myself reading books for entertaining purposes too. I’ve read the entire Twilight series, which is shocking for a guy to do; especially a guy that hardly read as a kid. I do see myself reading more in the future, not just for academic reasons, but for my personal satisfaction and interests. I’m planning to write a book sometime soon, about the struggles of being an overweight person and learning to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In order to do that, I think reading more books will help to increase my vocabulary and my writing skills. Reading is just like anything else, you get better by doing it more often. I don’t see myself going to the extreme like Rodriguez, checking out the max number of books at the local library, but I do see myself reading more challenging and intellectual books. The only struggle I have with reading is the speed in which I read. I’ve never been a fast reader and I get frustrated easily, when a passage takes longer than I think it should. I’m hoping over time that changes and reading becomes easier for me.           

1 comment:

  1. HI Junior,

    I really like the connection you make with Rodriguez. Although you do not read as avidly as he, that is ok. Rodriguez read for the purpose of having read something. He did not take the necessary time to comprehend the material, which might beg the question -- why read?

    I'm glad that you enjoyed the Twilight series. What was it about the series that attracted you to it? I've read the first novel, but I haven't gotten through the second.

    Ms. C
