Sunday, December 12, 2010

Self Evaluation Task Three

The thesis of my paper is:
  • Unlike thousands of children in the inner cities schools of Kansas City and Chicago, I had a great environment to get an education and participate in activities that wouldn’t cost me my life.

The main points in my paper are:
  • The difference in the amount of money allocated toward each student in the two locations of the schools.
  • How the inequality, between the two locations (suburban and inner city), is driven by the property taxes of the homes and local businesses, the need for public services and the non-profit / tax-free institutions in the cities.
  • Students of the suburban schools don’t realize the advantages they have over those students in the inner city schools, because of the difference in the fund distribution
  • What affect the parents have on the education their children get, whether it’s the inner city or the suburban schools

On this project, the peer evaluation wasn’t very helpful; since I took so long writing this paper and I mainly relied on your comments.

The most helpful information I received in the classroom was having open discussions about the essays we were assigned to read, during the process of this task.

I wrote two rough drafts, one with just my comparisons and the other including all the components for this task.  I started writing this paper during the weekend before the rough draft was due. I went through the steps of writing an outline for this paper. I’ve found when I’m short on time writing out an outline gives me good direction.

There were a couple things I liked about this paper; one being, this is the last task for this semester. Two, it was nice to see how I’ve grown as a writer though this semester.

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