Friday, October 22, 2010

Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood Response

In the essay “Let Teen-Agers Try Adulthood,” Botstein points out several problems with the current high school environment; many of those issues focus on the social demographics that occur in high schools, not the actual curriculum. He wants us, the audience, to understand how these demographics can cause some major issues in the high school environment. Botstein uses the Littleton High School incident as an example of what can happen in the worst case scenario. I do agree; I think there is a segregation problem that causes some social acceptance issues with some teenagers. I think he is right in his assumptions about the struggles teenagers deal with while in high school and that it’s a terrible comparison to what the real world is going to be like. However, I don’t agree with changing the age of high school graduates from 18 to 16. I think there should be more pressure on high school students to be the best that than can be, before going into college or the workforce. It would benefit high school students if they were required to work a part-time job or participate in an internship, during their senior year. This would help them develop those traits that they can’t learn in the classroom and understand what the workforce environment is really like.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Junior,

    Guess what? You have successfully analyzed :) Kudos! This should make tomorrow's exercise easy! The analysis begins here,

    "I do agree; I think there is a segregation problem that causes some social acceptance issues with some teenagers. I think he is right in his assumptions about the struggles teenagers deal with while in high school and that it’s a terrible comparison to what the real world is going to be like."

    Analysis of an aspect begins when we think about what the author is saying in terms of, "What does it mean?' We aren't summarizing what the overview is of a reading; rather, we are asking ourselves, "What does this mean?" For instance, if we were to revisit the reading assignment for yesterday. Brown v. Board of Education established that it would desegregate schools. However, what Kozol has described in his book has seemed to follow reverse suit. To analyze, you might ask yourself, "What does this mean?"

    MS. C
