Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Subjects for Task Two

There are two people I'm thinking about interviewing, my mom or my wife's grandmother, Anita. My mom would be easier to interview because I live with her and Anita lives in Ft. Morgan, CO.
They each will have very interesting stories to tell. My mom is in her early sixties and grew up in the Kansas City area, going to high school in downtown Kansas City, KS. Anita is about 20 years older than my mom. I know they lived in Oklahoma for a little bit and her husband fought in a war, not sure which one though. Other than that, I don't know much about her. I think my wife would like to hear what her grandmother has to say about education and life back then.
The questions will probably be the same for both of them. What was it like going to school, from elementary to high school? Did you go to college and why, was it as important then as it is now? What was more important, becoming a house wife and establishing a family or getting an education? Why did you take the path that you did?
The one problem I see surfacing on this task is turning their experiences into a story. I think if I incorporate their emotions at the time of their decisions that should help create a storyline. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Junior,

    Certainly proximity has to take some form here :) I'm sorry to hear that Anita lives in Colorado, because it sounds like she would be a great subject. That being said, it is up to you whom you wish to interview. Because your mother lives with you though, she may be the easiest.

    Since you have discussed a few focus(es) here, I don't think you will have an issue. However, examine to see if there is an experience that they wish to discuss further. What would be particularly interesting is the possible relationship between your mother as a homemaker and her views on education. Furthermore, many of the classes offered during your mom's time, may have been more focused on life in the home instead of today's studies (e.g. cooking, sewing, typing, etc.).

    Ms. C
